
The misfit adventures of a Canadian in Kenya

February 3, 2018 - Body, Mind and Spirit

Settling back into “bush” life is definitely a test of all sorts, and I don’t mean the licorice candy.

In the last few months it feels as though my body, my mind and my spirit have all been poked, prodded, challenged, rewarded, tested, trampled and celebrated.   

Let's start with the The Body

At the David Sheldrick Foundation (an elephant sanctuary in Nairobi) one particular baby elephant was as bold as the Kenyan men.  His trunk seemed to have a mind of its own as it searched out my body for I don’t know what.  I keep telling myself the little guy just wanted a hug.

You need to have special dance moves here or you can end up quite entangled in a strange man’s arms.  I keep telling myself the big guy just wanted a hug.

KFC has nothing on the chicken found on the road to Kampala, Uganda.  Roadside grilled chicken on a stick, let’s just say that it’s worth the 2 hour wait at the border.

Drive by fruit, this should be a thing everywhere.  Pull over at the side of the road and voila; oranges, mangos, pineapples, passion fruit, guava, avocados, watermelon …..

Drive by vegetables, see drive by fruit and substitute vegetables for fruit.

Food, the food in general is amazing.  Love, love, love the fresh everything.  Of course, I am now addicted to salt.  I think I might start adding it to my tea soon, just so you know - everything comes with salt.

Changaa, home brewed liquor, DO NOT TRY THE CORN/MILLET WHISKEY, IT IS JUST BAD, VERY BAD.  It tastes like someone took the worst tequila ever added buttermilk to it and then threw in some sawdust so you would have something to chew while trying to choke this stuff back.  Stay away from it, trust me on this.

Exercise takes on a whole new meaning here.  If shade chasing were an Olympic sport I would try out for the 2020 Olympics.  Other than shade chasing, which is my primary form of exercise,  there has been tree planting, nature walks, squatting, climbing stairs, goat herding, getting off the lounge chair and of course the dancing (note above).

Stay tuned for mind and spirit - they're coming, I promise.

Oct 31 2017 - Beyond the Fence

Stepping outside the fence - I found many a wonderful thing.  

Some a bit out of the ordinary; cows golfing, ostriches, ducks and chickens along with some fellow Canadians are just a few of things I happened across.

My favorite has to be the homemade sprinkler - amazingly innovative.

Oct 15 2017 I'm here

Didn’t take long for the charm and warmth of the Kenyan people to shine through.  While waiting for my connecting flight to Nairobi, about 3 hours....

Ø  Made a new BFF:  a 4 year old little girl who told me such wonderful stories about her family (her little brother was always messing everything up), her school (her favorite day was pancake day, where she ate 5 pancakes) and her favorite dinosaur (the Albertasauras, which has a blue body and pink head and was very friendly).

Ø  Was offered a personal tour of Nairobi, where there would be much dancing and merriment.  Unfortunately, had to turn down James’ offer even though he did guarantee a good time would be had by all.  Maybe another time??

Ø  The day would not be complete without an offer of marriage.  My brother will be happy to know that he won’t be receiving any cows from Chris in the near future.  I politely declined his generous offer and compromised with a friendly hug instead.


Oct 13 2017 Bearings restored - heading east

Finally, my bearings were restored and headed east.

Fall in Ontario, a beautiful time of year to visit.  For me, it was a time of near misses: 

Fall colours – just didn’t seem to be in their full fancy yet.

Corn – already harvested, but did manage to consume a couple of cobs. 

Canada Geese – even though I stayed directly below their flight path, couldn’t quite get the perfect photo.

White pumpkins – not sure where they’re grown.  Saw lots of orange pumpkin patches, maybe they’re just orange pumpkins painted white??

Misses aside, what a wonderful visit filled with family and friends, road trips, apple picking, Thanksgiving and hanging out.  Thanks to everyone who made this time so special. 



Sept 18 2017 Directions were never my forte

When I left Vancouver looks like I zigged when I should have zagged.

 Headed west instead of east and ended up in Tofino, BC.  So, what do you do when you find yourself on the very west coast of Canada?   

Watch the sunsets and the fog roll in, walk the beach, play with dogs, eat and do puzzles.