
The misfit adventures of a Canadian in Kenya

June 2018 - Boda Boda, Piki Pikis

Boda  Boda and Piki Pikis, such  beautiful names for such a demanding job.  They are basically the couriers and taxis of Kenya, they pick up and deliver anything, anyone and everything, anywhere and anytime it needs to go.  

Move over (UPS) brown,  
Boda boda has come to town.

They have saved me from long walks, brought medicine for sick chickens and emergency teat jelly for the cows.  

Disclaimer:  these are the photos I was able to take, there have been so many more sightings without a means to photograph. 
Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of Boda Boda, Piki Pikis, you never know what I might get next.  I hope it's the pig, please let it be the pig; I really, really regret not having a camera or phone that day we walked to the mill with only a bucket of corn.  

There's furniture delivery: beds, sofas, chairs, mattresses and wardrobes.

Livestock, the key word here being "live", yes all these animals are alive.  Chickens, cows, turkeys and sheep.

Name it they will carry it.  

It can be fun to watch these guys "Tetris" their loads together so that everything remains balanced and safe, or does it???
Oops, notice the puddle beside the cases of vodka.  Poor guy dumped his bike while it was loaded, they are now re-stacking the cases of vodka back onto the bike.  Pole (sorry). 

And coming soon is Matatus - the bus system that  rivals clown transport.