
The misfit adventures of a Canadian in Kenya

June 2018 - Boda Boda, Piki Pikis

Boda  Boda and Piki Pikis, such  beautiful names for such a demanding job.  They are basically the couriers and taxis of Kenya, they pick up and deliver anything, anyone and everything, anywhere and anytime it needs to go.  

Move over (UPS) brown,  
Boda boda has come to town.

They have saved me from long walks, brought medicine for sick chickens and emergency teat jelly for the cows.  

Disclaimer:  these are the photos I was able to take, there have been so many more sightings without a means to photograph. 
Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of Boda Boda, Piki Pikis, you never know what I might get next.  I hope it's the pig, please let it be the pig; I really, really regret not having a camera or phone that day we walked to the mill with only a bucket of corn.  

There's furniture delivery: beds, sofas, chairs, mattresses and wardrobes.

Livestock, the key word here being "live", yes all these animals are alive.  Chickens, cows, turkeys and sheep.

Name it they will carry it.  

It can be fun to watch these guys "Tetris" their loads together so that everything remains balanced and safe, or does it???
Oops, notice the puddle beside the cases of vodka.  Poor guy dumped his bike while it was loaded, they are now re-stacking the cases of vodka back onto the bike.  Pole (sorry). 

And coming soon is Matatus - the bus system that  rivals clown transport.

May 2018 - Body, Mind, Spirit, part 3

Spirit, it's a revisit of body and mind, plus a few other bits to motivate and inspire.

From the deep red soil to the rich blue skies and everywhere in between, Kenya is alight with colour, except during the dry season then everything is just brown.  Otherwise the colour is bright, beautiful, bold & bountiful.

Children's laughter.  Crackling fires.  African drums. Midnight frogs and morning birds.  Thunderstorms and raindrops.  Everything is music to the ears.  Ok, sometimes it's nails on a chalkboard, but it's mostly music to the ears.

Mama & baby and all the auntie goats.  The smartest chicken ever, Moo (she's the one heading home after hopping her fence and raiding the kitchen).  Shy ducks, nosy ostrich and chickens along the trails.  Delicious chicken in a box, not to be confused with delicious chicken on a stick.  Moving speed bumps (street cows), golfing cows and cows just being cows.  Slowly, very slowly, very very slowly, the chameleon migration from avocado to papaya.  Gangs of roadside monkeys.  Beach camels and a beautiful bird perched atop the kale.  You never know who (what) you might meet coming out of the bush while wandering the roads, trails and streams.

Keep your spirits lifted.

Melman the Giraffe: [shouts] Ahhhhh! Nature! It's all over me! Get it off!

Marty the Zebra: Alex, do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming. If a zebra's in the zone, leave him alone.

Alex the Lion: Whoa! Hold up there a second, fuzzbucket. You mean like, uh, the "live in a mud hut, wipe yourself with a leaf" type wild?

Gloria: So you must be Moto Moto.

Moto Moto: The name so nice when you say it twice

[Shows three fingers]

March 30, 2018 - Body, Mind & Spirit Part 2 (addendum)

Hi Happy Easter, I know everyone was expecting Spirit, but I had to share an additional, "I feel stupid mind" story with you, spirit is on the way though.  (PS the bunny driving was not taken in Kenya)

This has to be the best "pick up line" ever.  I ran into a young man, I see around quite regularly, and he seemed to be a bit down (sad) so I asked him why.  He said that his heart was bothering him, so I apologized (pole; sorry) and asked if there was something I could do.  And he said that it would help him if I carried his mangoes in my basket.  Now, most days I carry a basket / purse, so I was a bit confused how me carrying his mangoes would help, but I agreed and opened my basket.  Now I like to think I'm a pretty intelligent person and that I have a bit of street sense, but I have to say it took me a minute to clue in to what mangoes and basket he was talking about. 

Best 'pick up' line EVER.

March 24, 2018 - Body, Mind & Spirit, part 2

The Mind

There have been some embarrassing language moments:  

  • Kumi is ten and Kuma is vagina  - I wonder how many years of therapy the little boy who was helping me count will need?
  • Kunywa is to drink and Knuwa is to shit – there are many servers all over Kenya that think I want to shit water or beer.

The moons are spectacular, just unbelievably spectacular at keeping me up at nights.  Please let the next full moon come in peace.

You know when you travel to the US you have to relearn imperial measurement (km vs miles, kilo vs pound etc) well here, I have had to relearn time.  I thought about this long and hard, and have come to the conclusion that the Kenyan version of time is so much better.  You see, time measurement is all the same, for example if I say, "I'll see you Tuesday"  or "I'll be there in an hour", it all means the same thing:  WHENEVER.  I could be there in an hour, next Tuesday or WHENEVER.  The best part about this is everyone does it and no one is bothered by it.   

I'm just now starting to understand and appreciate the concept of what it takes to be an ambassador of change.  Have had the opportunity to meet (when the time is right) and speak (without mentioning my vagina once) with some pretty amazing people and groups, who are just that; ambassadors of change.  It is very humbling to hear about:

  • the octogenarian who works every day making reusable sanitary pads so young women can stay in school, 
  • or the 20 something young man who volunteers his time to teach children the importance of inclusion, equality, leadership, conservation, sexual health .... through sport, 
  • or the women of the village learning how to shear sheep and spin, dye & weave wool so they can start an enterprise that allows them to pay school fees for their children,
  • or the father of 5 who works full time, but spends his free time working towards his dream of building an environmental conservation learning center,
  • or the village members who dig a new path/road where they walk to fetch water, while they wait their turn to fetch water.

It's really eye opening what some people will do to make a change, my hat is off to them.  Wait I had better put that back on, it can be pretty hot here.

Next stop - The Spirit.  

Thanks for listening and I'll see you tomorrow (or whenever).